jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

A late start of a so promised blog! From Jose.

After a two year planning, endless talking, saving and creating we finally packed the house and everything we ever owed into a shipping container, not an easy task if you ask me. And all along thinking (are we doing the right thing). But the decision was taken and we just had to follow it.
Madeline had a farewell pool party with her school friends at the local pool and so
we said good bye to Emerald and all our friends .  Our many thanks to the Hutlys and the Whitefords for your great help and friendship.
As planned i left Emerald on my own first and headed to Sydney to spend a couple of weeks with my relatives and friends before flying off to Peru. While Louise and Madeline stayed in Emerald until  Maddie's school finished and they also headed to Sydney to hang with the relatives.
And so i went to the airport to catch a plane to Peru only to find out that it was delayed due to some mechanical bullshit from Aerolineas Argentinas . Never mind . I said good bye to Mum and Dad and all my lovely family and of course i will came back to Oz to gladly be little Paolo's god father, couldn't be a better reason.
Eventually i arrived in Lima airport at 10:30 pm  where a couple of my old School friends were waiting for me with lots of beers at hand, could not ask for a better reception. And so the drinking started and the chatting kind of never stopped until i finally went down like a sack of potatos at about 4pm local time the next day.
Between drinking, partying, eating spicy foods and lack of sleep for a couple of weeks i reckon i almost run myself to the ground (literally) so i ended up at the doctors with a bad case of the runs , a throat    infection and high blood pressure , he said if i didn't stop my ways i could die . And so i still go to parties but limit my drinking and eating of spicy foods and i'm sleeping my 7 to 8 hrs a day as recommended by the local quack, and guess what my health improved  ( you are probably thinking "i could it told you that").
Getting on with my job here in Lima wasn't that easy, my girls were coming  in a week and i couldn't find a place to stay (that was the whole point of me coming here first), luckily a friend of mine Hardy introduced me to some of his relatives that rent out furnished apartments for short terms  so i had to move very quickly and the accommodation was sorted for the next two months that we plan to stay in Lima. 

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