miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

Lake Titicaca is Puma of Rock

The floating islands of Uros in Lake Titicaca.

In the town of Yunguyo near the border with Bolivia.
Madeline asks.  Whats going on there Dad?
Ohhh  it's adult dogs only .

No man's land, between the Peruvian and Bolivian border.

The town of Copacabana, Bolivia.


Looking at the island of the Moon from our room

The name Titicaca translates into Puma of Rock.
This is the rock that they believe the name originated from. This rock it's located right next to a ceremonial place
in the island of the Sun, almost in the middle of the lake.
Have a look at the bottom left corner of the rock, see the mouth of the puma?

Legend says that Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo (children's of the Sun), (brother and sister), (husband and wife).
Arrived into this world from near these rock to create the empire of the Incas

Ruins of Chinkana in the island of the Sun.

There are about 2000 people still living in the Island, they are the original decedents of the Aymaras and
Quechuans, they are mostly farmers and fishermen, it's only recently that tourism has touched the island.

This is a sacrificial rock table where they believe animals and even humans were sacrificed.
Lucky they told us that cause Madeline and I nearly sat there for smoko. Seriously!

So Madeline and I walked the whole length of the island.
11 km in 3 hours, sounds easy but we were at more than 4000 m above sea level.
And I must add, it was one of the most amazing walks ever.
Thank you Maddy!

This photo was done on a timer for the show.
But we did really crash on the side of the road for almost an hour.

There are 36 islands in the lake. The island of the Sun being the largest.
The temperature of the lake fluctuates between 10c to 12c 

Life on the island is tranquil.

No. This is not the Greek islands!

Here on the island of the Sun if you are a man and marry a foreigner, then you are both welcome to live in the
island.  But if you are a women and marry a foreigner then you are not welcome to live in the island.
This is based on the fact that they believe that a man shall provided and look after his family.

Bringing home the bacon

Island of the Moon.
We never made it there, but there is a ruin temple there where they kept beautiful virgins.
And look at the time!

No cars, not even motorbikes here, only donkeys to do the transport.

Just awesome.

Madeline said that before she goes back to Australia she would get one of those street drinks in a plastic bag.

Off to another island.

The very famous Floating Islands of Uros.

The islands of the Uros are in the lake Titicaca about 6 km off the city of Puno.

The Islands are entirely made out of totora reeds that is constantly rotting away and have to be replace on average
every 3 months. The reeds grow naturally in the lake.
The islands are anchored by ropes to wooden poles that had been driven to the bottom of the lake

Their reed boats can last up to a year.

You sexy thing!

The reeds were also part of their daily diet.

Madeline, Again catching the moment.

The main purpose of the floating islands was to be able to move out quickly in case danger arises.

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