martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

Infiltration mission nearly gone wrong.

Catching up from last blog.
When at the gates of the the archeological site of Pisac they wanted to charged us 70 dollars entry fees and we
turned around and walked off due to the high fees and our tight budget.
Well Madeline and I thought of a fool proof plan on how to enter the site.
First we got up at 4:45 am, by 5 am we were walking up the hill with our water and food, after 30min of walking
we found a place to hide to avoid the guards coming from up the hill, so we found a place to lay and quickly cover ourselves
with hay, we laid there until the second team of guards went past by that time we had been laying  still for about 45 minutes,
we were almost frozen, I was rubbing Madeline's hands and she was also complaining of brain freeze pains. We got up
and started to run towards the sun rays for warmth.

This is Intihuatana (hitching post for the sun) Sun dial.

Just made it.
But not unscathed, Madeline had mild frost bite on her right hand. 

Even manage to take a photo of the guard's gate house.

Louise did not dare to come.

Top tower

We first ate the fruit, then the sandwiches, then the biscuits and snacks then the left over mayo. After that there was only water.

This is the  part of the village where the farmers lived.

Arriving to the ceremonial centre of Pisac

From nearly dead frozen to I am too sexy for my shirt.
Madeline said I was embarrassing her. But that's my job!

Temple of the Sun and temple of the Moon.

The archeological site of Pisac it's not as popular as Machu Picchu, that is why we were almost alone most of the
time. We could almost think we were back in time.

A natural tunnel that connects the ceremonial site to the military site.

In the town of Lamay of the Sacred Valley.....and yes that is a deer head on his head.

The locals were celebrating Santa Rosa de Lima's Day
The town's Patron.

Lot's of dancing and partying for 3 days.

Roasted guinea pig. Yummm


Another Sunday market in Pisac.

The Sacred Valley is also full of talented people.
Pablo Seminario an amazing ceramics master who has spend most of his life in search of ancient
Inca and Pre-Inca ceramic art, his work is highly valued in Europe and North America.
Here with a Chacana (Andean cross) in clay, using natural colours, secret firing techniques and silver.
The Chacana was one of the most symbolic shapes for the Incas.
Having three steps, top step is for the celestial gods the likes of the stars,  the sun, the moon and the birds.
second step is for the earth living world the likes of mountains, water and pumas and the third step
is for the under world the likes of the dead and the snakes.

Madeline showing her  alpaca wool gear.

The builders at the hostel unloading bricks

More exquisite architecture from Pisac.

3 comentarios:

  1. HAHAHA you pretty sure I would have just paid the 70 bucks to avoid getting up that early :) Nice work mate!

  2. We are on a tight budget mate! plus it was fun to be on the wrong side and madeline love it. maybe it wasn't the best example a dad can give, too late now. cheers mate see you soon.

