domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

The oldest man in South America.

Madeline is always  asking to get into a mototaxi for a wild ride.

The city of Huanta from the lookout . We got there by mototaxi and what a ride that was.
The driver  said he'll charge me 10 soles, i told him that if we get back unscathed i would
give him 15 soles but if anything would happen he'll get nothing. He agreed.

Madeline and her side kick.

Ready for the procession.

We stayed at a hostel that was build in 1711 complete with under floor hiding rooms.
The owner of the place told us the story of how the Spanish would be bringing about
20 to 30 donkeys  full loaded each with 80 to 100 kilos of gold from far up in the
Andes of Peru and Bolivia then they would rest the donkeys for up to 2 months and
continue the journey to the coastal port of Callao ready to be ship in Spanish
galleons  to Spain.

The Hostel is called  "La posada del Marques" .
It originally belong to the Marques  of  the city of Huanta.

The walls are about 1 metre thick and the steps just amazing.

We were made to feel at home by the owners .

Koala style

Near Huanta, nobody seem to knows exactly when this bridge was build but it sort of dates back to
colonial times 200 or 400 years ago.

Legend says that criminals were hanged and left there as an example.

Pikimachay or Cave of the flees.
No human remains were ever found here but they found tools made out of volcanic rock and animal bones
such as extinct giant rodents and sable tooth tiger  dating back 23,000 years BC

The 3 of us and the cave of Pikimachay in the Andes of Ayacucho, Peru.

Good Friday in Ayacucho

Procession carriers

Wari civilisation.
The Waris were a pre-Inca civilisation dating back 550 to 1200 years AC.
Here the main city of Wari was 1500 hectares and it could have had up to 100,000 people.
The city had under ground water and sewage

Ceremonial rock where the Waries did carry animals and human sacrifices.
Animals sacrifices were done to please Pachamama (Mother Earth) or ask for more rain or better animal production.
Human sacrifices were done to the king's wives and his generals as the king died to accompanied him in the later life.

Only 5 %  of the Wari city has been excavated due to fundings. This is the place where the representatives of the city's
district would meet to make their decisions .

Under ground pipes for water or sewage

Do i look fat?

Some old dude.

Right after the battle of Ayacucho on the 9 of december 1824 the Spanish surrender to the Patriots for the last time
in the whole of the Americas.


The Patriot  Generals of  the Batlle of Ayacucho from left to right .
Cordoba from Colombia; La Mar from Ecuador; Sucre from Venezuela; Gamarra from Peru; Lara from Venezuela and Miller from England

Monument remembering the last battle for independence

The batlle fields of Ayacucho.

She is always happy to do the cloths washing.

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