jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012

settling in like a local

So I've been in Peru now for 3 months and the girls for two, we had the usual stomach bug, the Peruvian flu and we have also learn that if you combine the two of them at once you get the shakes,
I've never made so much chicken soup in my life and the girls dread of the thought of me making another one ( it's funny to see their faces when i say that i may), we are making some friends,  we are still learning about public transport that means we either catch the wrong bus or  we miss our stop , we do our shopping at the mercado(markets) rather than the supermarkets , we only party once or twice a week and Madeline and  Louise are getting better at long distance education.

Lazy Sunday morning.

At my cousin's Joel birthday party in Barranco.
You can see the boys at the back bringing more beers, Madeline playing with her cousins ,
my untie Maritza in the pink playing with her grandchildren , the men drinking beers, the oldie
watching the day go by and me showing my bold head talking to my cousin Joel.

Madeline playing ball with her cousins.

The Mercado.
This is the markets in Lima, Surquillo .  Here in Peru if you want to buy your groceries, fruit and vegetables you
can either go to the supermarkets or you can go to the mercado, I preferred the colourful  mercado and their
vendors trying to sell you everything.

Maiz Morado.
Or purple corn it's use for the making of chicha morada a nice and refreshing purple drink  that
it's made by boiling the crap out of the corn. mixed with sugar, cinnamon and lime.

You can ask for any part of the chicken and this guys will cut that for you
straight away, feet, blood and guts included if you desire.

Digital or analogue ?

Breakfast at the mercado.
I had a Maca drink(it's an Andean cereal) , Madeline had emoliente and Louise had a drink of quinua
which is another Andean cereal. We all had two bread rolls each with Cheese, egg or hot dogs  all for
8 soles or  3.50 dollars.

You can either choose your groceries yourself or you can just tell this bloke what you will be making and for how many
people and he'll get all that for you plus some cooking tips

There were 3 types of avocados there, some were almost as big as Madeline's head

Fruit stall

Cheeky dog 

Some how i don't think he like it when Louise took a picture of him, maybe he was a wanted dog.
Or maybe he thought hey look at me (I am the king of the world)
The Express way in Miraflores , Lima.

La Ermita y el puente de los Suspiros. Barranco
In early 1800's The church at the top of the picture was originally only a cross, where the local                                                peasants and fisherman used to go for a prayer before carrying out their duties. Then in the mid 1800's
the town 's bread maker build a chapel in response to his prayers been answered  when his wife suddenly
recovered from a serious illness. Then in the late 1800's was rebuild after it was burned during the war.
It's now under major renovations .

My lovely wife.

My lovely daughter wearing her favourite pants complete with battle scars.


Getting flogged by Javier. What can i say it was Sunday morning i was tired and hangover
after partying with my wife. that's my excused and i'm sticking to it.

"Peruvian Baywatch"
One of Louise's favourite pictures . The live savers here in Peru are part of the police force.

Madeline getting her hair braided.

Friends Javier and Ivett. They put on an awesome BBQ.
Thank you guys.

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